welcome, parents & kids-

Each weekend, we have kid-friendly, interactive, and fun biblical programming for our kids.  Children will hear a great Bible truth and will be challenged to live it in their lives. On the following pages, you'll find the lessons we learned this week in kids' church  so that you can reinforce them at home.


-This week, the preschool kids learned that we can serve God. 

Our Story: Philip tells the Ethiopian about Jesus (Acts 8:26-40)

Our Key Concept: Listen to God

We made a chariot to help us remember how Philip listened to God. 


This week, in our series "Y GOD Y", we are answering some of the BIG questions we might ask God. 

Memory Verse:  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:9. 

A question you can ask me about the lesson: Why do bad things happen in the World? 

This weekend in small groups: We made a picture of the world with some of the bad things that happen but showed how God holds it all in His hands. 

jump wednesdays

JUMP is a way to power up mid-week with a faith booster. JUMP offers a fun and exciting way to grow in faith during the week.

Take a look at what we learned at JUMP this past week...

The preschoolers continued in their series called Sky Bridge Jr. This week we learned that God hears us when we are sad.

In the Lower Deck, we had so much fun looking up Books of the Bible. We raced in our JUMP family cars to see who could find the Book of the Bible first. In the end, we are ALL winners because we are learning how to find treasures in a book that God wrote just for us!

In the Upper Deck this week, we celebrated the 5th Graders who will be graduating to the Warehouse for next year! We talked about our favorite JUMP memories, celebrated the growth that they've made in their relationships with Jesus, and had a special time of prayer.